Now You See Me

My rating: 10/10

I just loved it.

Machete Kills

My rating: 01/10

I liked the first one "in a way", but this was just ridiculous.
Because I walked out after 20 minutes, maybe it got better...


The Worlds End

My rating: 05/10
After an half hour the fun started. But soon it ended. There was nothing else to the story.
It was just boring and I didn't care anymore.
Even if I wanted to like it.

We're the Millers

My rating: 05/10

I don't understand: Does american comedy nowadays need sex talks? All the time?
I don't mind it now and then. But through the whole movie?
So you can call it comedy?
I know, it's easier to make that kind of "funny" movies. It's easier than to think about a actual funny line...!
And the teens will giggle.

The Wolverine

My rating: 07/10

I like it, until... A robot? Are you serious?

Well, I suppose it needed a robot!